We had a busy weekend, Jeremy's parents came down to help us paint the outside of the new house. Justin, Jody and Kendry also came over to help us out. The weather was beautiful all weekend, it was perfect painting weather. While the boys were doing the painting us girls relaxed in the park across the street. On Sunday we went back early in the morning and finsihed up painting the trim. We have a couple of touch-ups to do but it is done for now. Enjoy the pictures.
The boys got started preping the house:

Jeremy rolling the paint after his dad sprayed it.

and yes, Jody was able to get in her afternoon nap.

Ava had a long day, but for only getting a 20 min. nap she did really good.

Justin and I painting the trim on the garage.

Here is the before picture:

The after picture...

The house color isn't as dark as I had planned but I do like the final product. Thanks to everyone who helped us!