We have had a crazy couple of days! On Friday Jeremy and I were able to get over to the new place and clean and start taping, so we can start painting the inside. Thanks to Sara we were able to get a lot done while she watched Ava for us. I must admit I was a little nervous about leaving Ava for the first time but I knew she was in good hands. Not only was I nervous about leaving Ava but I was nervous about how Ava would do being away from me for the first time but no worries she had a great time and Sara was even able to take her to lunch. Thank you so much Sara!!!
On Saturday we were able to get back over to the house but first we had to make out stops at Fred Meyer and Home Depot to pick up more supplies and samples of paint (I still havn't decided on a color yet). We were able to get most of the taping finished and the kitchen is cleaned. And where was Ava you might ask, well she was taking a nap in the other room, she is such a good girl for us.
This morning was very relaxing we didn't do much but lay around and play with Ava, it's been a long time since we were able to do that! While were were hanging out playing, we were able to catch Ava on the camera walking back and forth between Jeremy and I.
Once Ava woke up from her nap I was able to get down stairs and start packing up the rooms while Ava hung out with her daddy. I was actually able to get alot accomplished, it's amazing what you can get done when you don't have a little one at your feet the whole time. I was abe to get the spare room all boxed up and ready to go, Yea! 5 hrs later when I was all done with the down stairs I was in the kitchen making a bottle for Ava so we could have some much needed cuddling, well that didn't go as planned! Ava was trying to pull herself up and fell and hit her head! Instantly I knew it was going to be a bad one.
Ava's first booboo :(
My poor baby!
We were able to get alot accomplished this weekend and lets hope we can get alot more accomplished these next couple of dayd while my mom is here to watch Ava for us :).