Whats going on in the Vasquez household you may ask, well not a whole lot! We got our side yard done, excavated and seeded, we will wait a couple of weeks and fence it in. Other than the yard not a whole lot is going on around here. So let me tell you about Ava, she is such a fun girl, I can just sit and watch her play and explore all day! She has such a little personality and she is growing in to it more and more everyday. She also has her own little language which is a cross between chinese and giberish. Her favorite words are "hey dad" or "hi dad" She also says "that", "thank you" and "here", and of course "hi" and "bye". Its just a small vocabulary right now but it is growing day by day.
Ava turned 14 months old this month, she is growing up way too fast. Some of her favorite things are dancing and singing to music, and talking on the phone. While playing outside all she wants to do is walk up and down the sidewalk, she will stop and pick up a pincone or a rock and explore it for a little bit and then keep walking its so cute. I love living in such a great neighborhood where I feel safe walking with Ava.
I will leave you guys with a few, okay a lot of photos of Ava and our adventures.

Leaving to go to the Spokane County Fair.

Ava with her friend Skyler at the fair, We had so much fun.

Ava fell outside and got her first bandaid...

She did not like it at all.

Getting ready to go on a walk


examining the pinecone...

and now the rock.

So Cool!

Eating cereal and watching cartoons.

On our way to dinner with friends, are those piggies not the cutest thing?

The back view

Having so much fun on the trampoline.

Super women!

She loved it.
Sorry about all the pictures but you can't say I didn't warn you!