Our little witch, we love you Ava
Ava's first Halloween was a lot of fun, we started the Halloween fun at her best friends 1st birthday. It was a lot of fun, it was also a Halloween party so Ava dressed up as a witch, I dressed up as a witch also and Jeremy dressed up as a sorcerer. Sorry guys we didn’t take any pictures of the three of us. Sunday morning we got up and got Ava all dressed up in her witch costume and we went to Jeremy’s work where she went trick or treating at the different departments in Fred Meyer. Ava had such a blast, it was like she had been doing it for years. She grabbed a piece of candy out of the bowl, put it in her bag and went back for more. We were working all day on trying to get her to say “trick or treat” and eventually she said “treat” but when it came time to say it she wouldn’t, but she did say please so that’s okay.
While Ava was taking a nap Jeremy and I carved pumpkins, I forgot how much fun it was. Jeremy carved a Jack-O-Lantern and I carved a ghost, BOOOO!

Jeremy's pumpkin, We can tell who the artistic one in the family is.

My pumpkin, Sorry the pictures arn't very good.
Sunday evening after nap time we went Trick or Treating to a couple of our neighbors houses. We had to first stop by our neighbor Liz’s house where she had a special sack of candy just for Ava. Ava did so good she would walk up to the house and knock, with help from us of course, and when they would open the door she would say "please" and grab the candy out of the bowl, and of course she had to go back for more.

Sitting with mom and dads pumpkins before we head out trick or treating.

On our way to the first house she is so excited to be carrying her basket.

We only went to 5 houses but Ava made out like a bandit :)

Ava enjoying her hard earned work!
What a fun weekend, I'm looking forward to all the holidays coming up Ava is going to love it!